Aging & Adult Services
ASIA's programming promotes health, socialization, and the well being of individuals who are sixty (60) years and older. We want to empower seniors to experience a greater sense of purpose; to participate in life beyond their homes, and to engage with the greater community in which they live.
With particular attention to those with limited English proficiency, our staff provides a wide range of services for clients such as nutrition and safety education, emergency food support, community resources, and meaningful service opportunities.
Through financial literacy programming, health screenings and outreach to homebound seniors, we are able to arrange extra support for those who need it most. Ultimately, the goal is to empower older adults to flourish through participation in civic life.

Lucky Seniors
The goal of Lucky Seniors is to improve the health and mental health of area Asian seniors through nutritional and socialization activities.
This senior congregate meal and wellness program engages seniors from throughout Northeast Ohio regularly for educational, nutritional and social activities. At each meeting the seniors are served a culturally relevant meal, perform Asian exercises, engage in line dancing, study English, attend musical and artistic events, and provide volunteer services to the community at special events.
Currently, programs are underway in both Summit and Cuyahoga Counties. For Summit County, contact Heidi Lum (216-881-0330). For Cuyahoga County, contact Susan Wong (216-881-0330).
"This program offered us, the seniors, opportunity to talk among our folks. It is extremely helpful for us not only physically, but also mentally. Thank you so much.”
AGE 82
"I feel thankful for having the chance to make new friends, to learn something new. I enjoyed those unforgettable experiences.”
AGE 86
"It’s extremely beneficial for me to attend this program. I wish that there will continue to be more variety of activities to improve our knowledge and health.”
AGE 79
Bhutanese refugees prosper, keep culture alive
Creating Community: Ten Years After the Migration of Bhutanese Refugees to Akron Began
WKSU | OCTOBER 2, 2017

Access Your Benefits
Access Your Benefits is designed to cut through the barriers of language and provide help at a time when the need for benefits assistance is high among Ohioans 55 and older.
Our agency utilizes the Benefits CheckUp application, a completely confidential web-based program, to connect low- and moderate-income individuals with tax credits and public benefits. There are nearly 70 programs available, providing federal, state and local private and public assistance that may pay a portion or all of the costs of prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential items or services. ASIA works with the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) as a Benefits CheckUp site. Our trained bi-lingual counselors help prepare and file for items such as health care coverage, home energy assistance, food stamps, and federal and Ohio income tax returns at no cost to eligible Ohioans. Free online income tax preparation assistance is also available.
If you need additional information about tax and benefits assistance or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Susan Wong or Heidi Lum.

Aging & Disability
This center provides information, assistance, and referrals to help connect local seniors to the long-term services and support they need.
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), a program of the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging, provides information, assistance, and referral. A telephone evaluation is conducted to assist callers and their families in identifying their long-term care needs and options. The ADRC representatives also provide verbal and written information and professional guidance to enable callers to make informed choices and gain access to long-term care services including an arrangement for a free in-person assessment with one of the Agency's Community Resource Consultants.
Calls received by the ADRC representatives range from a simple request for a "phone number for home-delivered meals" to "what kind of services are available" or "am I eligible for help from your Agency."
The Cleveland version of this Guide has resources for the counties WRAAA covers, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina. The guide has an abundance of information for just about any service an older adult may need, with phone numbers, websites and addresses.
If you would prefer the printed directory you can order it here.

Medicare Fraud
Did you know that one out of every seven Medicare dollars goes to fraud, waste and abuse? That Medicare fraud, waste and abuse cost you $13 billion?
To help address this national problem, ASIA partners with Pro Seniors (based in Cincinnati, OH), who receives funding from the Administration on Aging. This project helps older Americans be wiser health care consumers. Seniors are taught to better understand their Medicare statements so they can detect potential fraud and errors and then take the appropriate steps to correct them.
For this project, Pro Seniors trains ASIA’s older adult volunteers who are often retirees. The volunteers then in turn educate groups of other older adults throughout the community about illegitimate Medicare practices or provide individual assistance to those questioning the accuracy of their statements.
For more information, please contact Heidi Lum.

Senior Community Service
This program provides part-time work experience training in community service for low-income persons over the age of 55.
ASIA is an official site for the National Caucus and Council on Black Aged ( Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). This program also provides work and income to participants who, through their work assignments, make valuable contributions to the community. The program is funded by Title V of the Older American Act and is administered by the federal Department of Labor.
For further information, contact Heidi Lum.