Ohio Nonprofit Voter Engagement Training
Join us for a free nonprofit, nonpartisan voter engagement training!
Mobilize and motivate your clients, staff, board and volunteers to VOTE!
- ATTEND a free OhioVOTES voter engagement training event.
- HEAR how nonprofits can be active in voter engagement and guidelines for 501(c)(3) organizations on being nonpartisan.
- LEARN ways to educate and motivate your constituents and communities to vote and the latest voting rules in Ohio.
- BUILD stronger communities and neighborhoods through nonpartisan voter engagement.
Nonprofit executives, board members, program staff and volunteers are all encouraged to attend. CEU credits are available for these trainings.
Free nonpartisan voter engagement materials are available at all three trainings.
Register for Cleveland: September 11, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., Trinity Cathedral
Register for Columbus: September 12, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., Broad St. Presbyterian Church
Register for Cincinnati: September 13, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., United Way of Greater Cincinnati
These trainings are offered in partnership with Nonprofit VOTE, the Ohio Association of Food Banks, Ohio Association of Community Health Centers, Public Children’s Services Association of Ohio, The George Gund Foundation, Community Shares of Mid Ohio and Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati and local Boards of Elections.
For more information contact Cathy Johnston, COHHIO, cathyjohnston@cohhio.org.