Asian Services In Actions, Inc.’ s (ASIA, Inc.) International Community Empowerment Project (ICEP) Summer Program concluded with a party in July, at Forest Hill Elementary School in Akron. For six weeks, the ICEP Summer Program has been enriching the education of at-risk refugee and immigrant children from southeast Asian, African, and Middle-Eastern countries. During the closing party, ICEP parents, staff, volunteers, and supporters joined students in celebrating their accomplishments and diverse cultural heritages.
Visitors to the party browsed informational displays that ICEP students created on the Karen, Tanzanian, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraqi, Syrian, Guatemalan, Vietnamese, Burmese, Nepali, and Chinese cultures. Following a delicious potluck lunch of dishes cooked by students’ families, Associate Manager of the CYF Department Kelly Le opened the program by announcing the winners of the 2019 Wang-Ji Family Scholarship. CEO Elaine Tso gave remarks on the winners Bishnu Chhetri and Vy Hoang.
ICEP Summer classes then took the stage to share music, dancing, and stories from their cultures, and also to review what they had accomplished over the past six weeks. Students, ranging from first to eighth grade, presented their projects as skits on teamwork and leadership. Dances, singing, and a fashion show followed the skits. This part of the program gave students a safe space to celebrate their cultures and support their classmates.
The ICEP Summer Program aims to better educate and socialize students with the collaboration of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Physical Activity and Character Education (PACE), the University of Akron’s Department of Education and Honors College, NEOMED, and returning ICEP graduates.
The success of the 2019 ICEP Summer Program was made possible by over 50 ICEP students, 18 volunteers, 8 staff members, and a passionate coordinator. ASIA, Inc. would like to thank the ICEP Summer Program funders Summit County ADM Board, United Way of Summit County, and GAR Foundation. ICEP will resume in the fall at Findley CLC, Jennings CLC, and North High School for the regular after-school program.
To learn more about ICEP, click here. To enroll for the ICEP after-school program, contact Kelly Le at