Health Outreach Partners (HOP) announced the summary results of its 2012-2013 National Needs Assessment. The focus of the needs assessment was to collect data on outreach programs that serve under-served populations at community health centers across the country. Outreach staff at migrant health centers, members of the National Outreach Guidelines Advisory Panel, and representatives from State and Regional Primary Care Associations (S/RPCAs) all contributed to this year’s needs assessment through an online survey, telephone interviews, and focus groups.
The assessment summary includes a synopsis of the data collected, including a description of the research methodology, key findings, and HOP’s next steps for responding to the specific needs identified. In the coming year, HOP plans to use the data from the needs assessment to develop tools and resources in order to support organizations across the country working to facilitate health care access for under-served populations.
For more information about HOP’s assessment, please contact Megan O’Brien, Project Manager, at or 510-268-0091, ext. 109.
Health Outreach Partners (HOP) is a national non-profit health organization providing training, consultation, and information services to community-based organizations striving to improve the quality of life of hard-to-reach populations.