The Alliance for Justice is hosting three free webinars designed for groups working on behalf of immigrant communities. The following webinars are available:
Lobbying 101: You may have heard statements like “nonprofits can’t lobby.” And of course you know that’s wrong. But do you need more information about the subject? Some, but not all, of your activities to influence federal immigration reform and state and local policies will be considered lobbying. It’s important to learn how to distinguish between lobbying and non-lobbying activities. This web training will explain the federal laws governing 501(c)(3) lobbying, including how to calculate your annual lobbying limits, definitions for direct and grassroots lobbying, exceptions to the definition of lobbying, and the application of these rules to ballot measure activities.
May 3 (Tuesday), 11:00 PST/2:00 EST, one hour. Register HERE.
Lobbying 201: Once you understand how the lobbying limits and basic lobbying definitions apply to 501(c)(3) organizations, you will be ready to think about what comes next. How do you track your lobbying time and expenses so that your 501(c)(3) organization is sure it’s staying within its lobbying limit? How does a 501(c)(3) report its lobbying to the IRS? How do the lobbying restrictions on 501(c)(3) organizations interact with state or local lobbying disclosure laws? This web training will answer these questions, as well as provide a more in-depth look at the lobbying definition and ways to take advantage of the membership rule for communications with your members.
May 10 (Tuesday), 11:00 PST/2:00 EST, one hour. Register HERE.
What Can I Do With a 501(c)(4)?: Many 501(c)(3) organizations want to do more than their tax status allows, which is where 501(c)(4)s can come in. But what are the advantages of creating a new organization? This web training will give a legal overview of the various advocacy activities permitted by 501(c)(4) organizations — including lobbying and election-related activities — as well as some tips for staying in compliance with your 501(c)(4) status. We will also discuss the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision on corporate spending on elections in Citizens United v. FEC, and the effect of this case on the nonprofit community — with a focus on the ins and outs of 501(c)(4) election year activity. Now more than ever, nonprofit corporations should actively participate in elections!
May 23 (Monday), 11:00 PST/2:00 EST, one hour. Register HERE.