Covid-19 Updates & Resources



AKRON | (234) 300-3400

CLEVELAND | (216) 881-0330


Pfizer vaccines are available in ASIA'S International Community Health Centers.

1st and 2nd doses eligible for individuals ages 5 and up.

1st boosters available for individuals ages 12 and up

2nd boosters available for individuals ages 50 and up


COVID-19 tests are available by appointment, including PCR rapid testing.

Statements from Asian Services in Action

on the Coronavirus and pandemic response in the community:

Asian Services In Action, Inc. (ASIA), which serves the immigrant and refugee communities in Northeast Ohio through its culturally and linguistically focused community health centers and social services, cautions everyone to ascertain the facts about the coronavirus and to not give in to rumors nor perpetuate prejudice toward Asian Americans.


ASIA has been working in close partnership with local public health officials as well as the CDC to provide testing – and now vaccination – for the community. Like other health systems, ASIA has adopted a universal precautionary screening procedure to evaluate all of its patients for potential coronavirus. ASIA is also reminding all of our patients and clients to exercise proper handwashing and to cover a cough or sneeze. These are steps that should be taken in case of any illness to avoid infecting others, whether with the flu or a cold.

ASIA has been made aware of an increase in suspicion and mistreatment of Asian Americans and, in particular, of Chinese Americans in Northeast Ohio. We urge people not to let unfounded fears fan flames of bias against anyone of Asian descent.

ASIA is asking everyone to rely on legitimate announcements from the CDC and other official public health agencies. Spreading misinformation of any type makes all of us less safe. Any anti-Asian racism, profiling or discrimination targeting our Asian American and Chinese American friends, neighbors and businesses harms all of our communities.

— Elaine Tso, Esq. | CEO of Asian Services In Action, Inc.

Tips for slowing the spread of COVID-19

As COVID-19 (“Novel Coronavirus”) continues to spread and impact more countries around the globe, we want to remind you of the two most important areas for you to consider to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community:

Personal Hygiene COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and the same preventative measures as the flu should be taken:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid shaking hands, and use a barrier such as a tissue when touching public surfaces (e.g., bathroom door handles).
  • If you are not feeling well with cold, flu or other symptoms – contact your primary care provider, and STAY HOME from school or work.

Personal Preparedness – we are already starting to see effects in certain industries where the supply chain of goods, transportation, and travel have been impacted. Now is the time to:

  • Review your household preparedness. We recommend you follow the same suggestions shown here for earthquake preparedness kits.
  • Attempt to obtain several months’ supply of any critical medications.
  • Think about any other critical supply needs, and stock up on them now (please refrain from buying up medical supplies such as N-95 or surgical masks – it’s more important for healthcare workers to continue to have access to them)

If you think you've been exposed

contact ASIA's ICHC to coordinate testing