The 2019 Wang-Ji Family Scholarship recipients Miss Bishnu Chhetri (left) and Miss Vy Hoang (right) photographed with ASIA, Inc. CEO Elaine Tso.
Asian Services In Action, Inc. (ASIA, Inc.), is pleased to announce Miss Bishnu Chhetri and Miss Vy Hoang as this year’s recipients of the 2019 Wang-Ji Family Scholarship.
Bishnu Chhetri first came to ASIA, Inc. through the International Community Health Center (ASIA-ICHC). A recent graduate of North High School, she spent her high school career involved in many school extracurriculars including National Honor Society, Student Council, and served as Historian for the International Club, secretary for Rotary Interact, and vice president for Biomed Club. Her volunteerism includes but are not limited to assisting Akron Children’s Hospitals, Akron-Canton Food Bank, APS STEM Expo Science Fair, along with clean-up operations around her community. As a daughter of Nepali refugees, she has advanced her academic career and has positioned herself for a brighter future. This fall, she will be attending The University of Akron.
“I am very excited and thankful for this honor given to me through the Wang-Ji Scholarship. This award will help me continue my education in nursing at the University of Akron. I come from a low-income family and without this scholarship, I would not be able to afford college. Scholarship opportunities like this are a great way for people who come from similar situations like mine to pursue their education. It’s a great motivator too. After college, I plan on mentoring youth in my community.”
Vy Hoang is a graduate of Ursuline High School of Youngstown, graduating with top honors. Vy is enrolled in Mount Holyoke College. She hopes to work in global medicine with great interest in Doctors Without Borders. She entered many extracurriculars including med-camp at NEOMED, gained research experience at Kent State University, and developed clinical skills through the Johns Hopkins University Pre-College Summer Program. Also a member of National Honor Society and a recipient of the Gold Key Award, she places herself in leadership roles and experiences that will prepare her for her position as a future director of Doctors Without Borders.
“I am very thankful and excited for this opportunity given to me by the Wang-Ji Scholarship. The mentorship provided to me through the foundation will also be a great opportunity as I make connections with Asian healthcare professionals and community members. Growing up in bilingual and bicultural backgrounds, I got the best of both worlds. Seeing the access to healthcare in both Vietnam and the United States really changed my view on what it is like being an Asian in the U.S. and being part of the health care system at the same time. [The Wang-Ji Scholarship and the International Community Empowerment Project (ICEP) program] are a great way to incentives students to continue their education and participate in other programs that encourage them to pursue their passions.”
Congratulations to the two recipients!
For more information about the ICEP program and ASIA-ICHC, visit the website