AAPCHO Petition Effort Underway!

Last week, AAPCHO launched its petition campaign to generate support for immigration reform legislation that includes access to health care programs and services for immigrant families. Thank you to those who have already begun to collect petition signatures!
We are so excited to engage in this effort with all of you! For those who have been paying attention to what’s been happening in DC, both the Senate and House are actively debating immigration reform, and whether immigrants will have access to health care remains a key unanswered question. Legislators and advocates alike are asking health providers, and their patients, to weigh in on this important issue!
We are so pleased that AAPCHO and its members are in the front-lines making sure that our patients and communities are not forgotten! Our petition asks federal legislators to: (1) protect family immigration, (2) remove barriers to care for immigrants, and (3) restore the right to health care for COFA migrants.
A couple of key points:


AAPCHO is dedicated to promoting advocacy, collaboration, and leadership that improves the health status and access of AA&NHOPIs within the United States, its territories, and freely associated states, primarily through our member CHCs.